Piotr Taracha
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Ersetzen Und Entsuhnen: Das Mittelhethitische Ersatzritual Fur Den Grobkonig Tuthalija (Cth *448.4) Und Verwandte Texte (Culture and History of the ... of the Ancient Near East) (German Edition)
Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011 (English, French, German and Turkish Edition)
Silva Anatolica: Papers Presented to Maciej Popko on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (English and German Edition)
Two Festivals Celebrated by a Hittite Prince - Cth 647.i and Ii-iii: New Light on Local Cults in North-central Anatolia in the Second Millennium Bc (Studien Zu Den Bogazkoy-Texten)
Religions of Second Millennium Anatolia (Dresdner Beitrage Zur Hethitologie)
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